Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Last weekend I had the distinct pleasure of attending a Kenyan wedding (one of our local staffers got married). The church service was in the morning, followed by a lunch with included speeches, cake cutting, and dancing at a coffee garden. The wedding was lively and filled with bright colors and an extremely happy couple! The guests welcomed the couple by meeting them at their car and dancing their way into the reception area while the band played traditional African music. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and couldn’t take pictures of all the beautiful clothes and décor.

At one point the MC, requested that all single women make their way to the middle of the garden for what I assumed would be the bouquet toss so in true wedding spirit I decided it would be appropriate to participate. Little did I know that the MC would then announce “these are all the single ladies and they will now show you how they dance so the single or married men can pick their favorites.” Yes, he said married. He then turns to us and asks us to follow him as he demonstrates hip and bum movements I didn’t know were possible! We “get low” and “bounce” in a conga line while the rest of the reception watches….needless to say, I might think twice about acknowledging my singlehood in the future!

Following the lunch reception everyone went home to freshen up and we all met up at a restaurant for a little bite to eat which consisted of ugali, (a dish of maize flour aka cornmeal that cooked with water to a dough-like consistency; it is the most common starch staple of Eastern and Southern Africa), chicken and of course some Tuskers! We shared lots of laughs and a heated discussion of the Kenyan football (soccer) team.

After our snack we headed to the third wedding event of the day, a dance and dinner party ensued. In the States, I’ve been told that I’m a relatively good dancer….it’s now obvious to me that NOBODY who has told me that has ever been to Africa. Several people tried to show me how to move my hips, feet, or shoulders. I would’ve killed for a bollywood song to come through the speakers so I could attempt to demonstrate my ability to dance! Oh and have I mentioned… I no longer have a bum! I thought I did but in comparison to African women, I’m simply well below par.

I’m off to Djibouti this weekend. Djibouti is a country on the Horn of Africa that is closest to the Middle East. A little fun fact: Djibouti is home to the Bab el Mandeb, or Gate of Tears, is a strait that connects the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. The name comes from the legends of the difficulty of navigating through its waters. Apparently it'll be about 104+ (F) there ----


  1. cultural immersion through dance lessons-love it :)
    We can co-teach a class "The sociology of weddings" Genius! Miss you. Let's plan our skype date
